We welcome you to First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) McAllen!
As a vibrant community of faith, we work together to be in ministry with others who are excited about the adventure, joy and challenge of living as Christians in today’s world. We are a Christ centered community called to grow in our knowledge and love of God through worship, prayer, action, and reflection.
We are an open and affirming, inclusive community of worshipers that enthusiastically celebrates the rich diversity of God’s people. We live out the conviction that everyone is a precious and beloved child of God, and we work to make our church a safe harbor for all who are created in God’s image. We are a faith community that is committed to allowing the transforming love of Jesus Christ and His passion for the least and lowest of all of us direct our actions.
Yours in Christ,
The Congregation
Building our new church - 2016
Be a part of our church community and grow in Christ with us. Together we can do great things in HIS name.
Our Mission
The mission of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in McAllen, Texas, shall be as revealed in the New Testament; to win people to a living faith in Jesus Christ by proclaiming and living out the gospel of Christ that all may grow in the knowledge of Him to do God’s will by His grace.
From the Preamble of the Design for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
As members of the Christian Church, we confess that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, and proclaim Him Lord and Savior of the world. In Christ’s name and by His grace we accept our mission of witness and service to all people. We rejoice in God, maker of heaven and earth, and in the covenant of love which binds us to God and one another. Through baptism into Christ we enter newness of life and are made one with the whole people of God. In communion of the Holy Spirit we are joined together in discipleship and obedience to Christ. Within the universal church we receive the gift of ministry and the light of the scripture. In the bonds of Christian faith we yield ourselves to God that we may serve the One whose kingdom has no end. Blessing, glory, and honor be to God forever. AMEN